jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Big data and the Future of Medicine (2)

Big data and the Future of Medicine (2)
Big data and the Future of Medicine (2)
  •  Big data and the Future of Medicine (2)
To the thread of a previous entry written last month, an example of one the many companies working in the area of the big data applied to the medicine, that within the strong trend towards digital health gives us an interesting video explaining the possibilities of treatment of patients ' data in a world in which the profusion of sensors multiplies the information that can be introduced in the system , while enabling an infinitely more sophisticated statistical treatment.

GNS Healthcare works with mobile applications that many use to keep track of our health habits – exercise, weight, body fat percentage, food, water, activity, etc. – and with the digitized clinical records (electronic medical record or electronic clinical history, more and more habitual in certain countries) to generate predictive models by means of reverse engineering and simulation techniques, in order to advance which of the possible treatments before a certain symptomatology will have a more appropriate effect in A patient we have a lot of information about – while managing the information of many patients helps us build valid models applicable for those patients we don't have such information about.

The idea is to move towards personalized medicine through models in which we introduce all the available data about ourselves, from our personal genomics to everything our sensor ecosystem stores on us on a continuous basis. Instead of being short-term and simply seeing who is carrying a device to monitor their health, or sinister uses of something like this to raise the price of our health insurance policy, we have to look beyond and try to design a future in which millions of people can voluntarily contribute their data to such systems , and that make progress in the field of medicine that today we can not even imagine.

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