jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

The Data revolution

The Data revolution
The Data revolution
It draws my attention that the unofficial issue, but if omnipresent of this mobile World Congress of 2017 is, look almost everywhere you want to look, the data revolution. In a very short time, we have gone from developing business activities and focusing on making their approach as competitive as possible, to seek an end that although obviously very related, is raised in a completely different way: to focus on these activities generating as much data as possible.

Trying to interpret the historical series of events like the MWC requires, on the one hand, to comb some gray hair and, on the other, try not to see it all through a single color prism. For someone who works in infrastructure, it is possible that everything you see since entering the MWC by Pavilion 1 until it leaves the 8 has to do with cloud computing, with integration of datacenters, or with 5 G. For those who work in security, all you will see will surely be issues related to this aspect. Capturing the common element, that "the next element" become the official theme of the event, requires a whole view, an abstraction taking some steps away. And my persistent impression is that this omnipresent theme is the reinterpretation of all business activities through the prism of data: The data converted into the real gasoline that moves the business.

The first important announcement of the MWC was, without a doubt, that 4th platform of Telefonica that reorients the whole company precisely to that, to the management of the data of the user (very relevant in that sense the entry of Chema Alonso himself in which it describes and tries to clarify the approach with the margin of Visions Conspiracy): The digital transformation of an operator is absolutely necessary to avoid its total commoditization , and that transformation requires an exquisite attention to the data, so APIficaremos all our activity and we will turn around that. That yes, that the ultimate goal is that the services are better and do not want to go ... but all this, thanks to the generation and exploitation of data. The whole business, raised around the data you generate as a user, and in the way you with the rules and the appropriate guarantees to understand it as something positive, not sinister.

But in fact, it doesn't matter who you are: If you're Telefonica, perfect, the thing seems clear. But if you are a car brand – four years ago there was only one, Ford, and this year are already a crowd – the approach will be to reorient the entire experience of a user to, again, the generation of data. What is it, as I mentioned yesterday in my talk at the seat stand, the vehicle connected? Simply, one way to try to improve the product and service set of an automotive company thanks to the data generated by a vehicle that stores and transmits everything we do with it. From that pioneering Tesla that in 2013 decided to include the total connectivity of its vehicles by an agreement with AT&T in the price of them (four years of practically unlimited connectivity with each vehicle sold) until yesterday, the first big brand, Chevrolet, announced the same for $20/month, everything fits perfectly: a car is no longer a vehicle to move from one point to another , but a huge computer with wheels turned into the maximum expression of mobile technology, and therefore has all the sense of the world show in an event like the MWC. Everything in the idea of the connected car points to the same: constant generation of data to be able to convert the user experience into something infinitely more versatile, to go from selling a product, to sell a complete solution that includes everything, and is based on the exploitation of the data that the user generates with his vehicle. Eventually, that user will stop having an active participation in the driving, or the vehicle can stop being his and become a model of use by login similar to a Chromebook (any car becomes "your car", with your presets on the radio, the position of your seat, your driving parameters or your usual sites on the GPS as soon as you identify when you enter it) , or we will see how they integrate in the price and experience of the vehicle issues such as maintenance or insurance, but all those possibilities will be fed and will make sense thanks to the constant generation of data.

The data revolution and digital transformation is expressed with absolute clarity at that time, when you are able to walk through the vastness of a MWC and when you go back to your hotel exhausted you realize that everything, practically everything you've seen had that common thread. If something is going to change in the next few years will be that, the orientation of all business activity to the generation and exploitation of the data, to its constant analysis by all kinds of technical

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