jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

From the data to the artificial intelligence

From the data to the artificial intelligence
From the data to the artificial intelligence
From the data to the artificial intelligence
An article about the advances of Facebook in image recognition, which allows you to establish search systems based on the content that appears in them, it leads me to reflect on the importance of the availability of data for the development of algorithms of machine learning and artificial intelligence: no one escapes that the ability of Facebook to develop these systems of processing and recognition of patterns in images has to do neither more nor Less than with their chances of accessing tens of millions of images tagged and commented on their users in the network itself and Instagram Facebook.

When it comes to thinking about the possibilities of artificial intelligence for our business, we have to start with the possibilities we have to get data to analyze. Data which, moreover, are not all created equal: it is not just that the paper file is not going to serve us anything, but also, we need formats and tools open enough to allow processing, something that is not always easy when we talk about companies that, for a long time, processed their data in legacy systems of difficult integration.

The fact of coming from a stage in which many industries have been concerned about catching up on issues related to the so-called big data facilitates to some extent that task: when you already have data scientists in place, the least you can expect is that they have carried out the cleaning and cataloguing of the data sources with which they intend to count in their analytics and visualizations. But after the big data, the next step comes: Artificial intelligence. In fact, progress in artificial intelligence is leading the data scientists to realize that they need to evolve into that discipline, or be considered obsolete professionals.

The data is the real gasoline that moves artificial intelligence. The availability of data allows us to develop the best algorithms, and above all, improve them over time to produce better results and adapt to changing conditions. The availability of more and more data in autonomous driving as its fleets do more and more kilometers is what allows Tesla to reduce the number of disengagements, episodes in which the driver is forced to take control, to the current levels: only between October and November of last 2016, four autonomous vehicles of the company travelled 885 km on California highways , and they experienced 182 of those moments, in what represents a starting point from which to continue improving with the accumulated experience. In fact, Waymo, which has accumulated data for all experiments in autonomous driving of Google, it achieved throughout the year 2016 to bring down the number of these disengagements from 0.8 per thousand miles, to 0.2, in what is an impressive progression fed, again, by the availability of data to process.

The real mistake in artificial intelligence is to try to judge an algorithm by its results at the moment we obtain it, without taking into account the progress it can achieve as it has more and better data. Write a review about Echo of Amazon saying that it is little less than an alarm clock with radio a little illustrated is an attitude that forgets the fundamental: that with eight million devices on the market, the possibilities that Amazon has to improve Echo's intelligence are virtually unlimited, and that means that every time we will understand better , which will gradually reduce its errors and become, without a doubt, a device that we end up asking how we could live without it.

In what sport can the arrival of arbitrators based on artificial intelligence be considered first? Of course, in American football, the classic example of sport in which everything is quantified, analyzed and processed to the limit. Which insurance companies will be able first to access the savings and improvements of the appraisal based on artificial intelligence? Those that have large amounts of data correctly stored and structured to be able to process and train with them to the machine. What academic institutions will be the first to take advantage of artificial intelligence in the educational process? Those that have complete files, properly structured and prepared for their treatment. And I can assure you that that, which seems so basic, does not have all the institutions I know.

To understand the evolution of the data to the machine learning and to the artificial intelligence is, for any manager, increasingly important, and for a company, more and more strategic. This is how you will decide which companies end up which side of the new digital

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