- Big Data: A historical perspective
Big Data: A historical perspective
to IBM calculations, the human being generated, from the beginning of
its history until the year 2003, about five exabytes of information,
five billion gigabytes. Last year, we generated roughly that same volume
of information every two days. Next year, we will generate it
approximately every ten minutes.
Mobile phone locations, Facebook likes, e-commerce transactions,
surveillance camera images, instant messaging ... A clear example of the
extent to which technology can overcome our ability to use it.
(Adapted from "Big data or too much information", a highly recommended article from Smithsonian.com)''
We are still learning how to
capture these data, where they are generated, what shape they are and
what possibilities they offer. We have a lot to learn about how to
analyze them, a discipline in which we will see a lot of innovation at
all levels. Companies that are able to interpret all that data in a way
that makes sense and, above all, with the right attitude, will be able
to generate a great competitive advantage. Those who do not, or worse,
those who devote themselves to persecuting and harassing their clients
through misuse of these data, will disappear.
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